About Me
A passion for helping others led me down the path of Medicine into a career that allows me to provide a unique, 1:1 hands-on approach. As a professional Physical Therapist since 2001, I bring a wholistic approach to medicine in order to find atypical yet effective solutions for everyone. My goal is to offer the best physical therapy to get your pain under control as quickly and efficiently as possible. While I love treating all body parts, I specialize in SIJ dysfunction and hip pain (hip impingement).


SIJ Dysfunction
SIJ dysfunction (sacroiliac joint dysfunction) is something that I’ve taken personal interest in because: 1) I have personally had to deal with the issue, 2) it’s more prevalent than you might think amongst the population, 3) is a debatable area of whether there is truly significant movement, much less able to shift as much as it’s proclaimed, 4) I realized that more factors influence the area than just homing in on the pelvis and back. Treating the SI joint over the years, be it on myself or patients, has taught me to address the thoracic spine, thoracolumbar junction, lumbar spine, and hips. Per the adage, it’s all connected! I have had good results to find why the SI joint tends to want to shift. It could be because of the psoas, the quadratus lumborum, compensating for a lack of extension in the thoracic spine, compensating for lack of proper hip joint mobility, or because you simply have asymmetrically weak gluteals — either way, I will provide a detailed assessment so we can treat you down to the origin of the issue. Proper assessment, hands-on manual therapy, and giving a specific home regimen will have you back to where you want to be without having to assume you will need to be seen for this on a regular basis! The best physical therapy I can offer you is you knowing you have control over your SI joint pain and that you have a repertoire of things to reference to help combat any flare-ups!

Hip Impingement/Hip Pain
Hip joint impingement is a growing phenomenon in a world of increased sitting; be it at a desk or driving in the car. It’s the pinch you get in your hip joint when you lean forward over that leg or when your thigh moves towards your trunk/body (squat, lunge, standing hamstring stretch). Resulting hip labral tears from the continual pinch at the joint have also been on the rise in diagnosis; thus, also hip labral repairs. Lack of hip joint mobility can lead to quicker degeneration of the hip joints and eventual hip joint replacements have been on the rise. I give great effort towards resolving the issue of “poor hip joint mobility” to: 1) help you avoid the pinch with each lean, squat, lunge, 2) restore full, normal motion at the joint, 3) give room for mobility so that excessive pressure is not applied to the same area of previous pinch so as to avoid need for surgery, 4) buy time from the need for a total hip replacement. This joint can affect the back from the thoracic region to the lumbar region, SI joint, and down to the knees (sometimes down to the feet). I will make sure to address these areas above and below to give the best physical therapy I can offer to make sure you can return to your daily life without risk of surgery looming over you!